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The Biggest Names Within The Bible

Glenn Duker

· Glenn Duker
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The Bible contains a wide range of essential characters. Some of these include Jesus, God, the apostles, and Mary, Jesus, and Judas. Various debates have been about which significant characters should be considered the most notable in the Bible.

Due to the importance of the Bible to various religious groups, it has also been the subject of debate and study. Many scholars have argued about which characters should be regarded as minor or major, but here are my choices for the biggest names within the Bible.

Adam and Eve

The first time we encountered Adam and Eve people was in Genesis 1. They are the only people who know what life should be like: perfect, righteous, with no sin, anger, bitterness, and resentment. God gave them a particular task: not to eat from the tree of knowledge of evil and good.

Unfortunately, their disobedience resulted in the disposition of every person on Earth to sin. This is why people must come into the world and learn how to live with God again. This is because, without a relationship with God, people will never be able to know him properly.


We were first introduced to Abraham in Genesis 12. He was the father of the Jewish nation. God promised that all the world's nations would be blessed through him. Jesus came from his line and was the ultimate fulfillment of this blessing.


Moses was born in Egypt. God chose him to bring about the deliverance of a nation free from slavery to freedom and the journey to the land God had promised to Abraham. Through Moses, God gave the people of Israel his righteous laws, summed up in the two commandments, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself."


The first time we encountered David was in 1 Samuel 16. In 1 Samuel 13:14, God said that David was a man after God's heart, and he was the second in line to the throne of Israel. He became king because of Jesus, who was from David's line. David is known for his numerous psalms, and his understanding of God has been greatly encouraged by the people of Israel.


The first time we encountered God was in Acts 7:58. After becoming a great Christian, Paul started various churches in different areas. His most significant contribution to the world is his missionary letters, which contain a wide range of teaching and practical advice. These letters are substantial for Christians as they can learn more about how to lead a successful life.